UCT North America needs your help!
Have you ever wanted to have influence in the way things are going? To have your voice heard, and be a guiding inspiration? If so, UCT North America can be your outlet. We are looking for energetic people to serve in various roles ranging from serving on a committee, to taking on a more active role in your local or regional council or even serving as a member of the Board of Directors.
In our former organization, we were blessed to have a home office in Columbus that made running our order so effortless. UCTNA does not have that luxury yet and is doing day-to-day operations with a small volunteer staff. We have had members step up into roles and for that I am eternally grateful. Without their efforts, running our organization would be next to impossible. But they cannot do it all themselves and I am putting out the call to action for our membership.
If you have a particular skill or interest, please reach out to one of the current Board members and let them know. We may be looking for someone with your skillset to help us out. If you have ever had an inkling to be a Board member, I would encourage you to reach out to me and let me know.
We have members of the current Board that have given a great many years of their lives to being a Board member and are ready for the next voice to step in and fill their role. Speaking from experience, being a Board member for many years myself, I can tell you that it has been an extremely rewarding experience that I will always have and cherish. I have made friendships, connecting with people that I otherwise probably would not have connected with prior, and learned many things about myself and how an organization is run. Please consider being a Board member, even if you served as a Board member in our previous organization. We can use your invaluable expertise and wisdom in forging ahead as UCTNA.
So please take a minute to consider taking on an active role in UCTNA. To paraphrase President Kennedy, “Ask not what UCTNA can do for you, but rather what you can do for UCTNA”.
Dave Van Order
Chairman of the Board
UCT North America