Local Councils
Local councils are the foundation of UCT. Through volunteering each local council works to support the needs of its community.
Local council members plan and conduct meetings, organize events, enjoy social activities and can serve as council leaders. Leadership positions include council president, vice president and secretary. Leadership is elected annually for a one-year term. Members can get involved with a UCT local council in their area or join with others to form their own council.
To learn more, contact us at
infor@uctnorthamerica.org or at (866) 458-2862.
Regional Councils
Providing leadership and direction to our local councils are 24 regional councils in the U.S. and Canada. Regional councils are comprised of UCT local councils in that area. Regional leadership positions are elected annually for one-year terms.
Board of Directors
Comprised of members from the U.S. and Canada, the Board represents a diverse cross section of skills and experience and is responsible for UCT’s overall direction. Board members are elected by delegates from UCT’s regional councils each year at our annual convention.